Cereal Box Domino World Record

12,952 Boxes - Detroit, MI - October 12, 2023

Sprice Machines designed and lead a team of volunteers to set up 13,000 cereal boxes to break the Guinness World Record for the most Cereal Boxes Toppled in a Domino Fashion, more than doubling the previous record. The event, Topple Hunger, was for a charity organization called Move for Hunger. Every box of cereal, along with milk, went to charity.

This was Steve’s 3rd official Guinness World Record, and added to the list of ‘objects toppled like dominoes’ projects Sprice Machines has done alongside books, pizza boxes, Tic Tac boxes, and gum boxes

Books Toppled as Dominoes

1,000 Books - Malibu, CA - October 27, 2021

Sprice Machines set up 1,000 books and toppled them as dominoes for My Stuff Bags. The video went viral on TikTok.


Netflix 'Enola Holmes 2' Machines


Pokemon Machine